Animated Gif. Based on: Man Ray, Masque Kiki, 1962; Man Ray, Cactus, 1943; Man Ray, Belle Haleine, 1920; Magazine cover: Cannibale, Paris, 1920.
“In the Dadaist museum” Uwe Heine Debrodt
Comments closedAnimated Gif. Based on: Man Ray, Masque Kiki, 1962; Man Ray, Cactus, 1943; Man Ray, Belle Haleine, 1920; Magazine cover: Cannibale, Paris, 1920.
“In the Dadaist museum” Uwe Heine Debrodt
Comments closedRemix with dithering and custom color tables. Based on: Man Ray, Orchestra, 1926.
Comments closedAnimated Gif. Based on: Man Ray, Belle Haleine, 1920
With my limited French language knowledge, I decided that the woman in the branding was called “Haleine” and she could be more beautiful. (Although I don’t think that’s her name…, sometimes, it’s good to be ignorant so I can get lost. Is that Duchamp in disguise? )
These days, beautifying or changing our external appearances is easily achievable with just a few clicks on a mobile app. I wonder what the dada/conceptual artists of 100 years ago would think about today’s technology and its implication on ready made.
For this work, I wanted to take on the ready made concept, so I mostly used freely available mobile apps and their effect. I was quite amazed how much I was able to get done on mobile apps only…!
Following is the list of software I used to create the work.
1. Photoshop (Mac) – Edited the original text to “Plus Belle Haleine”
2. Snow (Mobile app) – Added animated filters to her face. Haleine’s face was recognized via Snow app’s face recognition technology. I displayed an edited image from photoshop on a computer screen, then fixed my mobile phone (with a front facing camera) to detect the face. Since only one filter was applicable at a time, I filmed several times with a same angle.
3. Splice (Mobile app) – Composited multiple videos together, changed the overall color tone of the video and sped it up
4. Video Crop (Mobile app) – The original video taken via “Snow” app shows its logo on the bottom, so I used this app to crop the logo and other unwanted parts out.
5. Giphy.com (WebSite) – Created a logo-free gif file
Comments closedAnimated Gif. Based on: Man Ray, Non euclidean object, 1932; Lazlo Moholy-Nagy, Untitled, 1927, and Self-Portrait 1926; Magazine Cover: 391 New York, March 1917.
“Grenade fired into the bunker of Cartesian thought, using the platonic tools of measurement employed by the Empire. Non Euclidean, Absurdist Dance of Afro-Quantum Futurism“. Tyler Kline
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Animated Gif. Based on: László Moholy-Nagy, Mord auf den Schienen, 1925
“I took Lazlo’s work and i remade it inspiring myself from the anti-war tendencies of Dadaism. I inserted in the picture images of the First World War and i replaced the woman with a soldier. The hearts moving in the picture go in contrast with the concept of war”. Matteo Leone
Comments closedAnimated GIF. Based on Magazine Cover: 391 New York, N.3, 1 March 1917
“I saw this magazine cover, the picture on it seemed to be crying, then I started my work from this point”. Laura Alessandra D’Auria
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Animated Gif. Based on: Man Ray, Masque Kiki, 1962.
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Animated GIF. Based on: Man Ray, The Poet, 1938
“The Poet + gradient + old mac + postinternet” Alice Palamenghi
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Animated GIF. Based on: Man Ray, Cactus, 1943
“The individual thoughts (each head) form a collective consciousness as you would the thorns with cactus.
Los pensamientos individuales (cada cabeza) forman una conciencia colectiva como lo haria las espinas con el cactus” Uwe Heine
Animated GIF, Based on: László Moholy-Nagy, Mord auf den Schienen, 1925
“A moholoynagyan rhythm for a post-punk combat gif” Rick Niebe
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Processing3 “ASCII Art”. Based on: László Moholy-Nagy, Self-Portrait, 1926
“We live in a time where we no longer distinguish truth from false, in a form of anarchy, where the official Medias, creating the chaos, dominate the mind. In “Essence”, the László Moholy-Nagy’s work “Self Portrait”, represents the human kind and the particles (ASCII characters) reproduce the chaotic state of mind of every single individual that tries to cooperate against a corrupted system. According to Dada Style, where they aim for the freedom of speech and creativity”. Andrea Lucifero
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Animated GIF. Based on: Cannibale Paris, 25 May 1920
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“An anagram, beside being one of the oldest type of remix, it’s a combination game that rearranges the elements of the world in unpredictable ways” Diana Kudryavtseva