variables @ vanishing point
object 1 (sky) // object 2 (sea) // object 3 (Sehpyramide). raw data from object 3 (vertex points) imported to Audacity – streched audio file influence the distortion of the sea – two cameras separated by average human eye distance – rendered out for Stereoskopie (Box mounted on Head).
Based on: Marcel Duchamp, Handmade stereopticon slides, 1918
“The -object 3- illustrate the triangle relationship between Francis Picabia — Gabrielle Buffet — Marcel Duchamp. Together they were sitting in the vine restaurant „Simplicissimus“ (Alter Simpl ,Munich). Duchamp sketched one Sehpyramide with one vanishing point on a wet napkin. After heavily drinking Absinthe he added another vanishing point with more distance from the center – further he explained to Francis that this point represents you // my friend. During the consequential massive dispute they destroyed some furniture from the pub and Gabrielle permanently screeching “The image is the mother of the word”. Kathi Kobus (Pub owner) has thrown them all out. Outside on the street they also demageged one brand-new Litfaßsäule. Bavarian police came and arrested Francis Picabia and Gabrielle Buffet. Marcel Duchamp took the train back to Paris.
source: GolemKlonVIII”