Workshop: Circuit Building

Workshop: Circuit Building

Jun 26, 2012
Sabato 21 luglio, nella cornice del festival Musical Zoo, il Link Art Center presenterà uno workshop dell'artista, circuit bender e musicista Tonylight. Le iscrizioni sono aperte fino al 14 luglio. Clicca per saperne di più!
Workshop: Circuit Building

Workshop: Circuit Building

Jun 26, 2012
On Saturday, July 21, in the frame of the festival Musical Zoo, the Link Art Center will present a workshop with artist, circuit bender and musician Tonylight. Subscriptions are open up to July 14. Click to find out more!
Collect the WWWorld in Libération

Collect the WWWorld in Libération

Collect the WWWorld, the exhibition now on show at the House for Electronic Arts Basel (until May 20, 2012) has been recently reviewed in the French newspaper Libération: Marie Lechner, "Art numérique, la récupe est pleine", in Libération, April 18, 2012, pp. 24 - 25. The review is also available online.
Collect the WWWorld su Libération

Collect the WWWorld su Libération

Collect the WWWorld, la mostra in corso presso la House for Electronic Arts Basel (fino al 20 maggio 2012) è stata recentemente recensita dal quotidiano francese Libération: Marie Lechner, "Art numérique, la récupe est pleine", in Libération, 18 aprile 2012, pp. 24 - 25. L'articolo è disponibile anche online.