Collect the WWWorld a 319 Scholes, New York – Documentazione e stampa

Collect the WWWorld a 319 Scholes, New York – Documentazione e stampa

Collect the WWWorld ha inaugurato il 18 ottobre a 319 Scholes, New York, dove resterà visitabile fino al 4 novembre 2012. Abbiamo appena caricato un po' di documentazione sul nostro account Flickr, e (more…)
Collect the WWWorld at 319 Scholes – Documentation and press

Collect the WWWorld at 319 Scholes – Documentation and press

Collect the WWWorld opened on October 18 at 319 Scholes, New York. The exhibition will be on display until November 4, 2012. We just uploaded some photo documentation on our Flickr account, and (more…)
Don’t Watch If You Dislike

Don’t Watch If You Dislike

Oct 11, 2012
Il 13 ottobre 2012, dalle 18.30 alle 24.00, il Link Point riaprirà per presentare la rassegna video Don't Watch If You Dislike, a cura di Valentina Tanni, (more…)
Don’t Watch If You Dislike

Don’t Watch If You Dislike

Oct 11, 2012
On October 13, 2012, from 6.30 to 12.00 PM, the Link Point will open again to present the video screening Don't Watch If You Dislike, curated by Valentina Tanni: (more…)