MINI Museum: Susi Law e jonCates

MINI Museum: Susi Law e jonCates

  L'1 gennaio 2013 l'artista Susi Law - il suo ultimo "temporary owner" - ha portato il MINI Museum da Bergen, in Norvegia, a Hong Kong per esporlo nella sua mostra A Taste of Nordic Sea – Moving Still, presso l'attico del NEW KWONG TAI Dry Seafood Store, a Hong Kong. (more…)
MINI Museum Updates: Susi Law and jonCates

MINI Museum Updates: Susi Law and jonCates

  On January 1, 2013, artist Susi Law - its last temporary owner - brought the MINI Museum from Bergen, Norway to Hong Kong to use it in the frame of her exhibition A Taste of Nordic Sea – Moving Still, that took place at attic of NEW KWONG TAI Dry Seafood Store, Hong Kong. (more…)
56 Broken Kindle Screens al Link Point

56 Broken Kindle Screens al Link Point

Il 19 gennaio 2013, il progetto 56 Broken Kindle Screens, di Silvio Lorusso e Sebastian Schmieg, sarà presentato al Link Point in un formato espositivo disegnato per l'occasione. Saranno presenti gli artisti. (more…)
56 Broken Kindle Screens at Link Point

56 Broken Kindle Screens at Link Point

On January 19, 2013, the project 56 Broken Kindle Screens, by artists Silvio Lorusso and Sebastian Schmieg, will be presented at the Link Point in a specially designed exhibition setup. The artists will be present. (more…)