If Art Were to Disappear Tomorrow What Stories Will We Tell Our Kids? (@looongstrshrt)

If Art Were to Disappear Tomorrow What Stories Will We Tell Our Kids? (@looongstrshrt)

Il Link Art Center vi invita a seguire online il progetto If Art Were to Disappear Tomorrow What Stories Will We Tell Our Kids? (@looongstrshrt), di Roberto Fassone e Giovanna Manzotti, su Twitter e Facebook. (more…)
If Art Were to Disappear Tomorrow What Stories Will We Tell Our Kids? (@looongstrshrt)

If Art Were to Disappear Tomorrow What Stories Will We Tell Our Kids? (@looongstrshrt)

Mar 18, 2014
The Link Art Center invites you to follow the project If Art Were to Disappear Tomorrow What Stories Will We Tell Our Kids? (@looongstrshrt), by Roberto Fassone and Giovanna Manzotti, on Twitter and Facebook. (more…)
Filippo Minelli: Chemotherapy Update al Link Point

Filippo Minelli: Chemotherapy Update al Link Point

Sabato 15 marzo 2014, il progetto Chemotherapy Update (2010 - 2013), dell'artista bresciano Filippo Minelli, sarĂ  presentato al Link Point con una speciale installazione sviluppata per l'occasione. (more…)
Filippo Minelli: Chemotherapy Update at Link Point

Filippo Minelli: Chemotherapy Update at Link Point

On Saturday, March 15, 2014, the project Chemotherapy Update (2010 - 2013) by artist Filippo Minelli will be presented at Link Point, Brescia in a special installation designed for the space. (more…)