The MINI Museum: “defenestrate//rec” di Laurus Edelbacher

The MINI Museum: “defenestrate//rec” di Laurus Edelbacher

Qualche settimana fa abbiamo annunciato che il MINI Museum è aperto a proposte. La prima candidatura selezionata è (more…)
The MINI Museum welcomes “defenestrate//rec” by Laurus Edelbacher

The MINI Museum welcomes “defenestrate//rec” by Laurus Edelbacher

Oct 27, 2014
A few weeks ago we announced that the MINI Museum was welcoming submissions from the interwebs. The first selected submission (more…)
Addie Wagenknecht: This Connection is Untrusted a Link Cabinet

Addie Wagenknecht: This Connection is Untrusted a Link Cabinet

Link Art Center e Abandon Normal Devices sono lieti di presentare This Connection Is Untrusted di Addie Wagenknecht. La mostra sarà visitabile su Link Cabinet dal 25 ottobre al 22 novembre 2014 (more…)
Addie Wagenknecht: This Connection is Untrusted at Link Cabinet

Addie Wagenknecht: This Connection is Untrusted at Link Cabinet

Link Art Center and Abandon Normal Devices are proud to present This Connection Is Untrusted by artist Addie Wagenknecht. The exhibition will be on show at Link Cabinet from October 25 to November 22, 2014. (more…)