Bando “In My Computer 2015”: i vincitori

Bando “In My Computer 2015”: i vincitori

Mar 12, 2015
Il Link Art Center è lieto di annunciare i vincitori del bando “In My Computer”, che ha invitato artisti, pensatori e chiunque usi un computer a avanzare proposte per la sua collana “In My Computer”, pubblicata da Link Editions.  (more…)
In My Computer 2015 Open Call: Winning Entries

In My Computer 2015 Open Call: Winning Entries

Mar 12, 2015
The Link Art Center is proud to announce the winners of the “In My Computer” Call for Proposals, that invited artists, thinkers, and computer users to submit proposals for its ongoing book series “In My Computer”, published by Link Editions.  (more…)
Nicolas Maigret: The Pirate Cinema al Link Cabinet

Nicolas Maigret: The Pirate Cinema al Link Cabinet

Il Link Art Center è lieto di presentare The Pirate Cinema di Nicolas Maigret. La mostra sarà online su Link Cabinet dal 4 al 28 marzo 2015. (more…)
Nicolas Maigret: The Pirate Cinema at Link Cabinet

Nicolas Maigret: The Pirate Cinema at Link Cabinet

The Link Art Center is proud to present The Pirate Cinema by Paris based artist Nicolas Maigret. The exhibition will be on show at Link Cabinet from March 4 to 28, 2015. (more…)