In My Computer Call for Proposals 2016

In My Computer Call for Proposals 2016

Il Link Art Center e Abandon Normal Devices (AND) invitano artisti ad avanzare proposte per la serie di pubblicazioni “In My Computer”, edita da Link Editions. Iniziata nel 2011 dal Link Art Center, (more…)
In My Computer Call for Proposals 2016

In My Computer Call for Proposals 2016

The Link Art Center and Abandon Normal Devices (AND) invite artists to submit proposals for the ongoing book series “In My Computer”, published by Link Editions. Started in 2011 by the Link Art Center, (more…)
Link Editions: Command-Shift-4. Screenshots 2001-2014 di UBERMORGEN ora disponibile!

Link Editions: Command-Shift-4. Screenshots 2001-2014 di UBERMORGEN ora disponibile!

Oct 7, 2015
Link Editions è lieta di annunciare la pubblicazione di due nuovi volumi: Command-Shift-4. Screenshots 2001-2014 di UBERMORGEN, e la ristampa di UBERMORGEN.COM, un esaustivo catalogo (more…)
Link Editions: Command-Shift-4. Screenshots 2001-2014 by UBERMORGEN now available!

Link Editions: Command-Shift-4. Screenshots 2001-2014 by UBERMORGEN now available!

Oct 7, 2015
Link Editions is proud to announce the release of two new books: Command-Shift-4. Screenshots 2001-2014 by UBERMORGEN, and the reprint of UBERMORGEN.COM, a comprehensive catalogue (more…)