Il Link Art Center è lieto di annunciare 6PM Your Local Time Europe, una grande evento diffuso di arte contemporanea che la sera del 22 luglio 2015 coinvolgerà musei, istituzioni, gallerie e artisti da tutta l’Europa, (more…)
The Link Art Center is proud to announce 6PM Your Local Time Europe, a huge distributed art event that on the evening of July 22, 2015 will involve museums, institutions, galleries and artists from all over Europe, (more…)
Link Editions è lieta di annunciare la pubblicazione di If Art Were To Disappear Tomorrow What Stories Would We Tell Our Kids?, di Roberto Fassone e Giovanna Manzotti, nel contesto della collana “In My Computer”. (more…)
Link Editions is proud to announce the publication of If Art Were To Disappear Tomorrow What Stories Would We Tell Our Kids?, by Roberto Fassone and Giovanna Manzotti, as part of its ongoing series “In My Computer”. (more…)