
The MINI Museum is back with a new website and a call for proposals

The MINI Museum is back with a new website and a call for proposals

Remember the MINI Museum? The museum in a box with a digital frame as display and a USB pen drive as storage launched in 2010, (more…)

Il Link Point su Tumblr

Il Link Point su Tumblr

In occasione della mostra “Elena Radice: Abstract Season Changes”, il Link Art Center ha attivato un tumblelog con la documentazione delle mostre organizzate al Link Point. Siete liberi di commentare, ripostare e, se volete, remixare e animare qualsiasi cosa ci trovate pubblicato: http://link-point.tumblr.com/

Link Point on Tumblr

Link Point on Tumblr

On the occasion of the exhibition “Elena Radice: Abstract Season Changes”, the Link Art Center activated a tumblelog featuring installation images of the shows organized at the Link Point. Feel free to subscribe, like, comment, reblog and of course remix and animate whatever you will find on it: http://link-point.tumblr.com/

Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure

Oct 23, 2011


The LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age is proud to announce the publication of Peer Pressure, by Brad Troemel. (more…)