net art

Born Digital: Benefit Online Auction on Paddle8

Born Digital: Benefit Online Auction on Paddle8

Mar 27, 2014

Born Digital is a benefit auction and an online exhibition made to support the activities of the Link Art Center on the online auction platform Paddle8. The event – the first with this focus taking place in Europe on this scale – will open on April 15, 2014, and (more…)

Link Editions: Beyond New Media Art

Link Editions: Beyond New Media Art

Jun 9, 2013

beyond new media art



Link Editions è lieta di annunciare la pubblicazione di “Beyond New Media Art”, di Domenico Quaranta. “Beyond New Media Art” è la versione inglese, rivista e aggiornata di un libro precedentemente pubblicato in italiano con il titolo “Media, New Media, Postmedia” (Postmedia Books, Milano 2010). (more…)

Link Editions: Beyond New Media Art

Link Editions: Beyond New Media Art

Jun 9, 2013

beyond new media art



Link Editions is proud to announce the release of “Beyond New Media Art”, by Domenico Quaranta.“Beyond New Media Art” is the revised, updated version of a book first published in Italian with the title “Media, New Media, Postmedia” (Postmedia Books, Milan 2010). (more…)

Share Your Sorrow

Share Your Sorrow

Oct 10, 2012

Share Your Sorrow è un progetto curatoriale online lanciato da Domenico Quaranta nel settembre 2012, che si concentra su strategie di conservazione sociale dell’arte digitale in rete. Focus del progetto è il lavoro di Kevin Bewersdorf, (more…)