On Thursday, November 13 at 7.30 PM, the book U+29DC aka Documento Continuo by artist Enrico Boccioletti, will be presented at Viafarini DOCVA, Milan in a special event that will also include a live performance by the artist. (more…)
Il LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age invita artisti ad avanzare proposte per la sua serie di pubblicazioni, intitolata “In My Computer”. Deadline: 16 gennaio 2015 (more…)
The LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age invites artists to submit proposals for its ongoing book series “In My Computer”. Deadline: January 16, 2015 (more…)
Link Editions è lieta di annunciare la pubblicazione del catalogo della mostra Eternal September. The Rise of Amateur Culture, curata da Valentina Tanni presso Škuc Gallery, Lubiana. (more…)