Se siete interessati a candidare un vostro progetto per la serie di libri In My Computer, visitate questa pagina e sottoponeteci la vostra candidatura entro e non oltre il 15 settembre 2012. Non vediamo l’ora di vedere ciò che vorreste condividere con noi e con i lettori di Link Editions!
If you are interested to apply with a project for the In My Computer book series, please check out this page and submit it before September 15, 2012. We really look forward to see what you would like to share!
The LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age invites artists, thinkers, and computer users to submit proposals for its ongoing book series “In My Computer”. Click here to find out more!
The LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age is proud to announce the publication of two new books: Random, by Valentina Tanni, and In My Computer, by Miltos Manetas. (more…)