
Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age

Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age


On occasion of the Settimana dell’Arte in Brescia (September 24 – October 1, 2011), the LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age is proud to present the group show Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age, curated by Domenico Quaranta. (more…)

Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age

Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age


In occasione della Settimana dell’Arte a Brescia (24 settembre – 1 ottobre 2011), il LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age è lieto di presentare la mostra collettiva Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age, a cura di Domenico Quaranta. (more…)

Collect the WWWorld

Collect the WWWorld


These days, the LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age is working on the production of its opening event: Collect the WWWorld, an exhibition about the increasingly widespread practice of browsing the Internet and collecting, archiving, tagging, manipulating and remixing found material. (more…)

Collect the WWWorld

Collect the WWWorld


In questi mesi, il LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age sta lavorando alla progettazione del proprio evento inaugurale: una mostra intitolata Collect the WWWorld, e dedicata alla vertigine dell’archivio, ossia alla pratica – condivisa da tanti artisti contemporanei – di raccogliere, archiviare, classificare, manipolare e riutilizzare materiale culturale trovato in rete. (more…)