Evan Roth, Internet Cache Self Portrait: July 17, 2012, 2012. Latex saturated wet strength wallpaper, 12′ 2″ x 9′ 4″
Il Link Center for the Arts for the Information Age è lieto di annunciare che la mostra Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age, dopo Brescia (2011) e Basilea (2012), aprirà presto a New York, in un nuovo allestimento concepito per gli spazi di 319 Scholes a Bushwick, Brooklyn.
Evan Roth, Internet Cache Self Portrait: July 17, 2012, 2012. Latex saturated wet strength wallpaper, 12′ 2″ x 9′ 4″
The Link Center for the Arts for the Information Age is proud to announce that the show Collect the WWWorld. The Artist as Archivist in the Internet Age , after its premiere in Brescia (2011) and its presentation in Basel (2012), will open soon in New York, in a brand new display conceived for the space of 319 Scholes in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
Collect the WWWorld, the exhibition now on show at the House for Electronic Arts Basel (until May 20, 2012) has been recently reviewed in the French newspaper Libération: Marie Lechner, “Art numérique, la récupe est pleine”, in Libération, April 18, 2012, pp. 24 – 25. The review is also available online.
Collect the WWWorld, la mostra in corso presso la House for Electronic Arts Basel (fino al 20 maggio 2012) è stata recentemente recensita dal quotidiano francese Libération: Marie Lechner, “Art numérique, la récupe est pleine”, in Libération, 18 aprile 2012, pp. 24 – 25. L’articolo è disponibile anche online.