cloning aura

Cloning Aura. Art in the Age of Copycats

Cloning Aura. Art in the Age of Copycats

Mar 16, 2016

Il Link Art Center è lieto di annunciare la pubblicazione di Cloning Aura. Art in the Age of Copycats, l’ampia ricerca di Chiara Moioli sulla storia dell’arte dell’appropriazione, dalle avanguardie al Post-Internet e oltre. Il libro, initaliano, è ora disponibile sui nostri scaffali in forma cartacea (bianco e nero, 320 pagine) e come ebook in pdf scaricabile gratuitamente. (more…)

Cloning Aura. Art in the Age of Copycats

Cloning Aura. Art in the Age of Copycats

Mar 16, 2016

The Link Art Center is pleased to announce the publication of Cloning Aura. Art in the Age of Copycats, Chiara Moioli‘s exhaustive research into the history of appropriation art, from avant-gardes to Post-Internet and beyond. The book, Italian only, is now available on our shelves as a 320 pages black and white paperback and a free download pdf. Check it out! (more…)

Neoismo ora & per sempre. In conversazione con Florian Cramer

Neoismo ora & per sempre. In conversazione con Florian Cramer

Feb 10, 2016

Neoismo ora & per sempre. In conversazione con Florian Cramer introduce il lettore al Neoismo in connessione con la Mail Art, il Plagiarismo e la, (more…)

Neoism Now & Then. In Conversation with Florian Cramer

Neoism Now & Then. In Conversation with Florian Cramer

Feb 10, 2016

Neoism Now & Then. In Conversation with Florian Cramer introduces the reader to Neoism and its connections with Mail Art, Plagiarism and, (more…)