artificial intelligence

Better Not Tell You Now di Émilie Brout & Maxime Marion su Link Cabinet – Documentazione

Dal 8 Marzo al 7 Aprile 2017 Link Cabinet ha ospitato Better Not Tell You Now, un progetto di Émilie Brout & Maxime Marion.


Better Not Tell You Now é un’opera video generativa creata e presentata in anteprima per la mostra a Link Cabinet. Sfruttando la tecnologia del machine learning gli artisti hanno istruito e allenato un’intelligenza artificiale fornendole un database di quarantamila messaggi presti da Reddit, il famoso sito di dibattito online e aggregazione di notizie. Scavando tra le sezioni dedicate a cospirazionismo, filosofia e futurologia sono stati individuati e scelti messaggi e intere discussioni incentrate sui temi dell’intelligenza artificiale e della singolarità. (more…)

Émilie Brout & Maxime Marion – Better Not Tell You Now at Link Cabinet

The Link Art Center is proud to present Better Not Tell You Now, a new work by Émilie Brout & Maxime Marion. The show will be online at Link Cabinet from March 8 to April 7, 2017.
Better Not Tell You Now is a generative video created and presented for the first time at Link Cabinet. Using machine learning technology the artists trained an artifical intelligence with a database of forty thousand messages from Reddit, the renowned social news aggregator and discussion website. Going through subreddits like Conspiracy, Philosophy and Futurology, the artists selected messages and discussions focused mainly on Artificial Intelligence and Singularity. Starting from this wide database the work automatically generates a recombinant text, always new and unique. The images displayed on the background are loaded in real-time, searched for keywords related to the text. (more…)

Artificial Fear Intelligence of Death by Lauren Huret Now Available

Apr 27, 2016

Link Editions is proud to announce the publication of Artificial Fear Intelligence of Death by Swiss artist Lauren Huret, an artist book co-published with Kunsthaus Langenthal on the occasion of the artist’s solo exhibition (Lauren Huret – Artificial Fear Intelligence of Death, Kunsthaus Langenthal, April 28 – June 26, 2016). The book is available for free download and in print on demand at, and in a special edition of 150 signed and numbered copies at the exhibition space. (more…)