
Eva Papamargariti – Transformative Encounters at Link Cabinet

The Link Art Center is proud to present Transformative Encounters, a work by Eva Papamargariti. The show will be online at Link Cabinet from January 24 to February 25, 2018.
Transformative Encounters is a short visual narration including 3D animated materials, video recordings and poetic elements that refer to a multitude of bodies and their consecutive encounters with an unfamiliar organism that take place as they intersect, feed, touch, alter, discard, contain, compartmentalize and aknowledge each other’s corporeality.

INTERMEZZO | Davide Prati – Before the Flowers at Link Cabinet

The Link Art Center is proud to present INTERMEZZO, a new irregular exhibition format on Link Cabinet. Its activities will arbitrarily and randomly intertwine with the usual exhibition program. The inaugural show presents Before the Flowers by Davide Prati that will be online at Link Cabinet from August 9 to September 10, 2017.

Before the Flowers is a 3D animation created with three.js. The work is inspired by a research about Fukushima nuclear disaster effects on vegetation. Althought the radiations generated sensible mutations, the elements and geometric forms that make a flower recognizable are still visible.

AVENUE by Nicolas Sassoon at Link Cabinet – Documentation

From May 5 to June 4, 2017 Link Cabinet presented AVENUE, a work by Nicolas Sassoon.

AVENUE is a large animated GIF which dimensions deliberately exceed the size of the screen, forcing the viewer to penetrate into an hypnotic portrayal of an architectural space. The representation depicts the interior of “Avenue” an underground art/music project active in Vancouver BC, Canada between 2012 and 2015. The scene has been recreated by the artist based on his personal memories with no intent to be a precise depiction of the space. The artist invites us to follow him in a world blending memories of real elements with imaginary visions. (more…)

AVENUE di Nicolas Sassoon su Link Cabinet – Documentazione

Dal 5 Maggio al 4 Giugno, 2017 Link Cabinet ha presentato AVENUE, un’opera di Nicolas Sassoon.

AVENUE è una GIF di grande formato le cui dimensioni eccedono volutamente rispetto a quelle dello schermo, costringendo lo spettatore ad addentrarsi in una rappresentazione a tratti ipnotica di uno spazio architettonico. L’ambientazione intende riprodurre gli spazi di “Avenue”, un project-space dedicato alla musica elettronica che è stato attivo a Vancouver (Canada) tra il 2012 e il 2015. La scena è stata ricostruita dall’artista basandosi unicamente sui propri ricordi personali, affrontando quindi il tema della memoria senza la pretesa di una impossibile precisione.
