Il Link Art Center è lieto di presentare, un’iniziativa online che si protrarrà per un anno e che intende celebrare l’eredità del dadaismo nel centenario della fondazione del movimento Dada, (more…)
The Link Art Center is proud to present, an online initiative that will develop for over a year, and that wants to celebrate the dada legacy in the centenary of dada's birth, (more…)
The Link Art Center is proud to announce 6PM Your Local Time Europe, a huge distributed art event that on the evening of July 22, 2015 will involve museums, institutions, galleries and artists from all over Europe, (more…)
6PM YOUR LOCAL TIME (6PM YLT) is a networked, distributed, one night contemporary art event, which takes place simultaneously in different locations, coordinated from one central venue, and documented online via a web application.