Link Cabinet: A New Online Exhibition Space

Link Cabinet: A New Online Exhibition Space

The Link Art Center is proud to announce Link Cabinet, its new online exhibition space, curated by Matteo Cremonesi.


Link Cabinet

Opening on April 23, 2014

with a solo show by Jonas Lund

curated by Matteo Cremonesi

Press Folder




Link Cabinet is a single web page hosting solo shows where artists exhibit a single, site-specific artwork. Conceived as a white and neutral exhibition space with an essential interface, Link Cabinet is a blank page that will be transformed by the works on display.
A project space complementary to the Link Point, Link Cabinet shows a selection of web-based art works with a focus on international artists. After the show, the projects won’t be available on the site anymore. The Link Art Center is open to collector’s inquires related to the site-specific version of the project presented at Link Cabinet.


Link Cabinet will be launched on April 23, 2014 at 6.00 PM CET, with a solo show by Amsterdam based Swedish artist Jonas Lund. Lund will present a new project entitled Return of Investment transforming the gallery in an advertisement space that anyone can purchase.


Link Cabinet is a curatorial project by Matteo Cremonesi. Cremonesi is lecturer at Accademia di Brera and NABA – Nuova Accademia Belle Arti in Milan. He contributes to Artribune Magazine. He is a member of the art group IOCOSE whose works have been exhibited and presented in several venues across Europe. IOCOSE explores possible futures and alternative presents to hijack the collective imagination.


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Link Center

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