The Link Art Center is proud to announce Let the Right One In, an artist book by Damiano Nava and the fourth issue in the series “In My Computer“, published by Link Editions. For the launch of the book, on November 23, 2013 the project will be presented in a special setup at Link Point, Brescia.
Damiano Nava, Let the Right One In, Link Editions, Brescia 2013. 134 pages, soft cover, color, English, ISBN 9781291599510
Exhibition at Link Point
Saturday, November 23 2013
6.30 – 9.30 PM
Via Alessandro Monti 13 (on Google Maps)
25121 – Brescia – Italy
Damiano Nava likes to use the camera as a diary. After moving to Berlin, in November 2009, he found it hard to spontaneously meet people of his generation who might be interested in being photographed. He didn’t speak German, and it was hard for him to establish the kind of intimate relationship required for the project. “I was like someone having problems finding a soulmate, so it seemed like a natural step to turn to the internet”, he writes in his introduction. He wrote an ad and posted it on Craigslist and Exberliner. For about two years, the ad generated new contacts. Nava received about a thousand e-mails, met around a hundred people and took pictures of the few who were comfortable with him.
This book gathers these photos, together with a selection of the emails he received, and an “Afterword” by Italian art critic and curator Guido Bartorelli. According to Bartorelli, ” Nava’s work has roots both in art history and in today’s all-pervasive photography craze”, and is original in “his ability to represent, to encapsulate this form of collective – or generational – creativity” without giving up with a traditional, much debated task of photography: that of providing “a trace or impression of reality”, here completed by the emails, themselves used as “traces, fetish objects”. The result is a faithful portrait of a generation, with its narcissism and its peculiar relationship with traveling, communication, body language and image making.
At the Link Point, the project will be presented in a special setup including both Damiano Nava’s photos and a selection of emails from the book.
Damiano Nava (Brescia 1982 – lives and works in Brescia and Berlin. After completing his studies at the University of Bologna (2007), he started working as a professional photographer and an artist. Solo exhibitions include MJU (2009) and Closeness (2007), both curated by Guido Bartorelli at Perugi artecontemporanea, Padua, Italy. Group exhibitions include: Amateurs (2011), Padua, Italy; Settemilamiglialontano (2010), Brescia, Italy; Il Pittore e il pesce (2008), Venice, Italy; Premio D.A.M.S. (2004), Bologna, Italy. His work has been featured in books and magazines, including Flash Art, Vice, Exibart.
In My Computer is a series of books collecting unpublished material available in your computer. The book can take any shape compatible with POD’s production and distribution standards. A new call for proposals has been launched in September 2013, and applications can be sent until January 15, 2014 to the email address For more information, please visit:
Link Editions ( is a publishing initiative of the Link Center for the Arts of the Information Age. Link Editions uses print on demand and digital formats to create an accessible, dynamic series of essays and pamphlets, but also artist books, catalogues and conference proceedings. A keen advocate of the idea that information wants to be free, Link Editions releases its contents free of charge in .pdf format, and on paper at a price accessible to all. Link Editions is a not-for-profit initiative and all its contents are circulated under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.