“In My Computer” Book Series – Call for Proposals 2014

“In My Computer” Book Series – Call for Proposals 2014

Sep 18, 2013

The Link Center for the Arts of the Information Age invites you to submit proposals for its ongoing book series “In My Computer”. Deadline: January 15, 2014




One’s computer is a repository of valuable things that, for some reason, never went public: unpublished projects, drafts, short notes, private emails, unreleased interviews and texts, tales, poems, quotes, image or spam email collections, whatever.
If you think this content may be significant also for a wider audience and may work well in book form, the book series “In My Computer” may be the right jar for your jam.


“In My Computer” is a series of books collecting unpublished material available in your computer, produced by Link Editions and available for free download in digital form and in printed form through the print-on-demand (POD) service Lulu.com and Amazon.com. The concept wants to give value to the contents stored on our computer, a personal archive that is, from time to time, a den for our researches, a private diary, a place of accumulation and storage of digital contents. Since the distinction between public and private, online and offline is becoming increasingly blurred, the series is open to contents circulated online in any form. In this perspective, the book is an extraordinary tool for the rematerialization of the ephemeral, for archiving the impermanent, and for ordering the digital chaos we are living in.


Link Editions (http://editions.linkartcenter.eu/) is a publishing initiative of the Link Center for the Arts of the Information Age. Link Editions uses the print on demand approach to create an accessible, dynamic series of essays and pamphlets, but also catalogues and artist books. A keen advocate of the idea that information wants to be free, Link Editions releases its contents free of charge in .pdf format, and on paper at a price accessible to all. Link Editions is a not-for-profit initiative and all its contents are circulated under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license. More info: http://www.linkartcenter.eu/.


Application guidelines:


1. The applicant is invited to send, via e-mail to the address info@linkartcenter.eu before January 15, 2014, the application in a single file (doc or pdf), filled with:

1. a short concept (max 2000 chars);
2. a short author bio (max 1000 chars);

3. other materials (images, sample pages, excerpts) or links to other materials that can be useful for a better understanding and evaluation of the submitted work.


The application should be submitted in English.


2. “In My Computer” is an “artist books” series, but it is also open to proposals from theoreticians, designers and other creatives, provided that what they are submitting is not an essay or a collection of essays (for which Link Editions has a dedicated series, “Clouds”, also open to submissions).


3. After the deadline, Link Editions’ editorial staff will select the proposals we want to publish along 2014, and will announce the result of the selection process by the end of February 2014. Link Editions reserves the right not to select a specific number of applications, but to decide how many proposals to select on the basis of the quality and viability of the proposals.


4. The winning projects will be published by Link Editions along 2014. Link Editions’ editorial staff will cooperate with the author in the work on the layout, while the cover will follow the design of the other books in the series. The book can take any shape compatible with POD’s production and distribution standards. (cf. http://bit.ly/jgcZxS).


“In My Computer” Book Series
More info on the books available on http://editions.linkartcenter.eu/


In My Computer # 1
Miltos Manetas, In My Computer, LINK Editions, Brescia 2011. Soft cover, 102 pages, English, € 12.00, ISBN: 978-1-4477-1939-7.


In My Computer # 2
Chris Coy, After Brad Troemel, Link Editions, Brescia 2013. Soft cover, 288 pp, English, € 15.00, ISBN 9781291404098.


In My Computer # 3
Martin Howse, Diff in June, Link Editions, Brescia 2013. Soft cover, 740 pp, English, 35,71 €, ISBN 9781291503593.


Upcoming in November: In My Computer # 4
Damiano Nava, Let the Right One In, Link Editions, Brescia 2013.


About the Author

Link Center