The Link Center for the Arts of the Information Age is proud to announce the winners of the “In My Computer” Call for Proposals, that invited artists, thinkers, and computer users to submit proposals for its ongoing book series “In My Computer”, published by Link Editions.
The applications have been evaluated by a Jury including Andreas Broeckmann, art historian, curator, Director of the new Leuphana Arts Program at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg and former director of Transmediale, Berlin; Ben Fino-Radin, artist and Digital Conservator, Rhizome at the New Museum, New York; and Domenico Quaranta, art critic, curator and Artistic Director of the Link Center of the Arts of the Information Age.
After a long discussion due to the number and the quality of the proposals, the Jury decided to award the right to be published in the series along 2013 to the following projects: After Brad Troemel by Chris Coy; Diff in June by Martin Howse; and Let the Right One In by Damiano Nava.
After Brad Troemel, by Los Angeles based artist Chris Coy ( is the updated version of a book produced in 20 copies in March 2011, for the JstChillin exhibition “Read/Write” at 319 Scholes in Brooklyn. The book took as its conceptual core the characterization of artist and writer Brad Troemel as a genius and a mastermind analyzed through the lens of conspiracy theory and amateur internet sleuthing.
Diff in June, by Berlin based artist Martin Howse (, is a project in which the artist attempted to track every single change to the data on his hard disk on a daily basis for one month along June 2011. Using a small custom script, each chunk of data which has changed within the filesystem from the previous day’s image, was written to a new file. Each file was converted in audio and video files. Excluding binary data, one day’s sedimentation is to be published in book form, a novel of data archaeology in progress tracking the overt and the covert, merging the legal and illegal, personal and administrative, source code and frozen systematics.
In Let the Right One In, Italian born, Berlin based artist and photographer Damiano Nava ( collects the email exchange he had with people interested in modeling for him, after placing an announcement on Craiglist and Exberliner. Edited together, these emails and the photos of the few who felt at ease with the photographer display a different kind of intimacy, in a continuous overlap between representation and self-representation.
“In My Computer” is a series of books collecting unpublished material available in your computer, produced by LINK Editions and circulated both in digital and printed form through the print-on-demand (POD) service The book can take any shape compatible with POD’s production and distribution standards.
LINK Editions ( is a publishing initiative of the LINK Center for the Arts of the Information Age. LINK Editions uses the print on demand approach to create an accessible, dynamic series of essays and pamphlets, but also tutorials, study notes and conference proceedings connected to its educational activities. A keen advocate of the idea that information wants to be free, LINK Editions releases its contents free of charge in .pdf format, and on paper at a price accessible to all. Link Editions is a not-for-profit initiative and all its contents are circulated under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) license.