Link Editions: New Releases

Link Editions: New Releases

Sep 27, 2012

Featuring: Ryan Trecartin, Kevin Bewersdorf and Mathias Jansson… Link Editions is the Link Art Center publishing branch, that releases its books in print on demand and as e-books available for free download. In September 2012, Link Editions released two new titles: Everything I Shoot Is Art, a collection of essays and interviews by Swedish art critic and researcher Mathias Jansson and focused on the various possible connection lines that can be drawn between what we usually call “games” and what we usually call “art”, in the constant effort to help finding a broader, more comprehensive definition for the latter; and Spirit Surfing, an attempt to collect, preserve and share a body of texts and visual essays written by artist, actor and musician Kevin Bewersdorf, one of the leading figures of the so-called “pro-surfers” generation.
On the occasion of the presentation of the show Collect the WWWorld at 319 Scholes in New York in October, Link Editions will proudly release Ryan Trecartin‘s Ryan’s Web 1.0. A Lossless Fall, available only as a freely downloadable pdf. Check them out!

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Link Center

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